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Knowledge sharing workshop on «Climate change and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development»

Knowledge sharing workshop on «Climate change and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development»

Knowledge sharing workshop on «Climate change and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development»

Knowledge sharing workshop on «Climate change and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development» organized by University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in collaboration with Erasmus+ project BECK «Integrating education with consumer behavior relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the Universities of Russia, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh» will be held during the week from 12 till 17 of June.

Main speakers:

  • Mr. Marko Kärkkäinen «Cleaning the ocean plastics and reusing the plastic waste as a source of energy», Clewat Oy, Finland;
  • Dr. Pasi Makkonen «Save energy by not wasting it», Karhubetoni Oy, Finland;
  • Dr. Nina Danilina «Adapting urban territories to climate change: world experience and national research», MGSU, Russia;
  • Prof. Dilanthi Amaratunga «Impacts of Climate Change on Sustainable Development», University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom;
  • Dr. Alla Mazina «European Union and Russian Federation Education for Sustainable Development», Peter the Great St.Petersburg, Polytechnic University, Russia;
  • Prof. Artūras Kaklauskas «Industry 5.0” Customisation Technologies for Climate change, Energy Conservation, and Sustainable Designs», Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

Time: 2.30 PM-4.00 PM GMT

Link for registration


Looking forward to welcoming you to the event!

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