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Alumni Association of NATIONAL RESEARCH MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING (MGSU/MISI) is an organization which helps the University to contact with its Alumni. Moreover, it attracts students to participate in different public events, provides educational work of forming ideology of young professionals, preserves the best traditions of MGSU-MISI.

President of the Alumni Association - Telychenko Valeriy Ivanovich, MISI graduate, Honorary President of MGSU.

Vice President of the Alumni Association - Glebov Sergey Anatolevich, MISI graduate.

Active participation of MGSU-MISI graduates is always welcomed to boost data collection on MGSU-MISI graduates from different countries.

We look forward to your feedback!

Simply send us your details (your full name, the name of the faculty, year of graduation, contact details (address, phone number)).

We are waiting for your application to the address: interclub@mgsu.ru

We will contact you for your participation in life of MGSU!

© 23.04.2024 | MGSU
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