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MGSU diploma is recognized in the Republic of Turkmenistan

MGSU diploma is recognized in the Republic of Turkmenistan

MGSU diploma is recognized in the Republic of Turkmenistan

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan has approved a 2023 list of foreign universities, whose diplomas will be recognized in Turkmenistan. A list of Russian universities, whose diplomas are considered valid in the Republic of Turkmenistan, has been published in the country. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) has become one of 1,500 higher educational institutions from around the world enlisted. The full list of educational institutions accredited in the Republic in 2023 is published on the website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

In accordance with the "Procedure for the recognition of documents on higher and secondary vocational education issued in foreign countries in Turkmenistan " approved by the President of Turkmenistan, students wishing to receive vocational education in the specialties and fields of social sciences and humanities are to choose universities included in the ranking of internationally recognized organizations specified in the State Classifier.

In turn, MGSU, within the framework of the International public organization of assistance to construction education (ASV) has been fruitfully cooperating with the Turkmen Architectural and Construction Institute for a long time.

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